PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner

Súčasťou kurzu PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner


PRINCE2 Agile™ Practitioner is designed to support organizations and individuals who use PRINCE2 as a project management methodology and are seeking to extend their knowledge and understanding of Agile, applying its approach within their existing project management environment.

Target group

PRINCE2 Agile is being offered as an extension qualification for those who already have a good understanding of PRINCE2. It will also be of interest for program managers with MSP® who will need to understand not only how the program relates to the projects, but also how projects relate to the delivery mechanism.


PRINCE2 Agile™ Practitioner is a follow-up on PRINCE2® Practitioner and part of the Best Management Practice Portfolio.

e-Competence Framework (e-CF)
The mapping of this certificate against the e-Competence Framework.

Legend for coverage:

  • General - The competence is covered at the level indicated
  • Partial - The competence is covered to some extent
  • Superficial - Relevant knowledge is covered to some extent
  • The competence level is available in the framework
  • The competence level is not available in the framework


PRINCE2® Foundation / PRINCE2 Agile® Foundation

Exam content

  • Understand the basic concepts of common agile ways of working
  • Understand the purpose and context for combining PRINCE2® and the agile way of working
  • Be able to apply and evaluate the focus areas to a project in an agile context
  • Be able to fix and flex the six aspects of a project in an agile context
  • Be able to apply or tailor the PRINCE2 principles, themes, processes and management products to a project in an agile context

Exam Details

  • Exam duration 150 Minutes
  • Number of questions: 50
  • Pass mark: 60% (30 of 50)
  • Open book/notes: Official PRINCE2 Agile™ Manual
  • Electronic equipment permitted: no

The price includes the official certification exam, eBook and online proctor fee.

  • Cena bez DPH: €650,00
    Cena s DPH: €799,50
  • K dispozícii
  • Koupit
PRINCE2 Agile<sup class='sup'>®</sup> Practitioner

najžiadanejšie materiály

PRINCE2 Agile® Guidance

Komplexný manuál prináša najaktuálnejší návod ako zvládnuť agilné riadenie projektov



ITIL knihy
Kniha ITIL® Foundation, ITIL 4 edition

Kniha poskytuje praktickú osvetu metodiky ITIL 4. Pre dokonalú ilustráciu sú všetky príklady postavené na fiktívnej spoločnosti.



Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 v.17

PRINCE2 Manuál zavádza nové termíny a pojmy, v prehľadnejšie štruktúre



ITIL knihy
ITIL®4 Specialist: Drive Stakeholder Value

ITIL®4: Drive Stakeholder Value je zameraný na odborníkov, ktorí sú zodpovední za správu a integráciu zúčastnených strán, na tých, ktorí sa zameriavajú na cestu a skúsenosti zákazníka a tých, ktorí sú zodpovední za podporu vzťahov s partnermi a dodávateľmi. 



ITIL knihy
ITIL®4 Leader: Digital and IT Strategy

ITIL®4 Leader: Digital and IT Strategy forms one publication of the higher-level guidance towards the Strategist Leader designation, following ITIL4 Foundation.



ITIL knihy
ITIL®4 Specialist: High-velocity IT

ITIL®4 Specialist: High-velocity IT odokrýva spôsoby, ktorými digitálna organizácia a digitálne operačné modely fungujú v High-velocity IT prostredí.



ITIL knihy
ITIL®4 Specialist: Create, Deliver and Support (CDS)

ITIL®4 Specialist: Create, Deliver and Support (CDS) pokrýva hlavné činnosti správy služieb a zameriava sa na integráciu rôznych hodnotových tokov a činností za účelom vytvárania, poskytovania a podpory produktov a služieb s podporou IT.



ITIL knihy
ITIL®4 Managing Professional Package

Kompletná sada kníh ITIL 4 Managing Professional.



PRINCE2® 7 Managing Successful Projects

Najnovší PRINCE2 Manuál 7 edície zavádza nové termíny a pojmy, v prehľadnejšie štruktúre.



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