Passing Your ITIL Intermediate Exams

This ITIL V3 publication, 'Passing Your ITIL Intermediate Exams - Study Aid from the Official Publisher of ITIL', endorsed by the official ITIL Accreditor, is suitable for candidates taking both the ITIL Service Lifecycle Exams and the Capability Exams. The publication provides details on the ITIL V3 qualification scheme from foundation through to the advanced Master Qualification. It offers details about the exams, the preparation and how to achieve the target competencies. Written by one of the original ITIL V3 authoring team, This publication looks at principles, processes, common activities and Implementation and Improvement, it looks at all nine streams and what is required within each stream to help candidates pass their exams.

Key features:

  • Enables you to recap on foundation level learning to ensure your basic level of knowledge is up to scratch before launching into the intermediate level.

  • The Study Aid uses terminology consistent with the ITIL Service Management Practices and the ITIL Glossary, acronyms and definitions.

  • The structure of the book complements the structure of the exam syllabus

  • The book contains sample questions and answers for each of the nine modules.

  • Exercises on a case study and exercises asking you to relate your learning back to your organisation.

  • Part of the Study Aid series from TSO the official publisher of ITIL.

  • Cena bez DPH: €57,00
    Cena s DPH: €70,11
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Passing Your ITIL Intermediate Exams

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