P3O® Foundation

P3O® Foundation Certificate in Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices


The P3O® guidance brings together in one place a set of principles, processes and techniques to facilitate effective portfolio, program and project management. It provides advice on how to develop a governance structure that helps optimize an organization’s investment in change.

Target group

Members of offices within a P3O® model or anyone who needs to understand the terminology and concepts underpinning P3O®.


Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices® Foundation is part of the Best Management Practice Portfolio and the prerequisite for the Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices® Practitioner exam.

e-Competence Framework (e-CF)


Exam content

  • The high-level P3O® model and its component offices
  • The differences between Portfolio, Program and Project Management
  • The key functions and services of a P3O®
  • The arguments for establishing a P3O® model
  • The differences between types of P3O® model and the factors that influence selection of the most appropriate model
  • The processes to implement or re-energize a P3O®
  • The tools and techniques used by a P3O®
  • The purpose and major responsibilities of all roles

Exam Details

Version 2013

Number of questions: 75 (of which 5 are trial questions)
Pass mark: 50% (35 out of 70)
Open book: No
Electronic devices permitted: No

Version 2008
Number of questions: 50
Pass mark: 60% (30 out of 50)
Open book: No
Electronic devices permitted: No

The price includes the official certification exam, eBook and online proctor fee.

  • Cena bez DPH: €550,00
    Cena s DPH: €676,50
  • K dispozícii
  • Koupit
P3O<sup class='sup'>®</sup> Foundation

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