M_o_R® Foundation

M_o_R® Foundation Certificate in Risk Management


"The term 'management of risk' incorporates all the activities required to identify and control the exposure to risk which may have an impact on the achievement of an organization's business objectives." - from Management of Risk: Guidance for Practitioners. Management of Risk®  inspects risks from strategic and operational view and within programs and projects.

Target group
M_o_R® Foundation is suitable for any organization or individual seeing the need for guidance on a controlled approach to identification, assessment and control of risks. The Foundation qualification is aimed at:

  • Business Change Managers
  • Program and Project Managers
  • Risk Managers
  • Business and Program and Project Support staff and managers
  • Operational staff and managers

The M_o_R® Foundation certification is the prerequisite for the M_o_R® Practitioner certification.

e-Competence Framework (e-CF)


 Exam content

  • Know the facts, terms, concepts and relationships between the four elements of the
  • M_o_R® framework (principles, approach, processes and embedding and reviewing)
  • Understand how the M_o_R® principles, approach, and processes are used
  • Be able to identify the M_o_R® framework documents and understand their uses and differences

Exam Details
Exam duration: 60 minutes
Number of questions: 75 (of which 5 questions are non-scoring, trial questions)
Pass mark: 50% (35 out of 70)
Open book: No
Electronic devices permitted: No

The price includes the official certification exam, eBook and online proctor fee.

  • Cena bez DPH: €550.00
    Cena s DPH: €676.50
  • K dispozícii
  • Koupit
M_o_R<sup class='sup'>®</sup> Foundation

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