ITIL®4 Foundation Certificate

ITIL®4 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management


ITIL Foundation is the most important certificate for IT professionals and employees wishing to know more about IT Service Management. Organizations that work according to ITIL use the complete ITIL exam program for training personnel based on their roles. Their ITILskills enable them to perform and cooperate better.

ITIL Foundation is part of the Certified Integrator program and is one of the prerequisites to attain the titles:

EXIN Certified Integrator Agile Service Projects

Target group

You are an IT professional, business manager or business process owner in an organization that operates according to ITIL. After gaining the certificate, you will understand how the ITIL exam program contributes to raising the quality of IT Service Management. Your role and qualities are important for better (team) performance.


ITIL Foundation enables you to lay the basis for a complete program of ITIL exams and obtaining various certificates in IT Service Management. This will show that you take your work according to ITIL seriously. It will improve your qualifications for working with other ITIL-certified personnel.

e-Competence Framework (e-CF)

The mapping of this certificate against the e-Competence Framework.

Legend for coverage:

  • General - The competence is covered at the level indicated
  • Partial - The competence is covered to some extent
  • Superficial - Relevant knowledge is covered to some extent
  • The competence level is available in the framework
  • The competence level is not available in the framework



Exam content

Candidates are tested on:
1. Service management as a practice (comprehension)
2. The ITIL service lifecycle (comprehension)
3. Generic concepts and definitions (awareness)
4. Key principles and models (comprehension)
5. Selected processes (awareness)
6. Selected functions (awareness)
7. Selected roles (awareness)
8. Technology and architecture (awareness)
9. Competence and training (awareness)

Exam Details

Number of questions: 40
Pass mark: 65% (26 out of 40)
Open book: no
Electronic devices permitted: no

 The price includes the official certification exam, eBook and online proctor fee.

  • Cena bez DPH: €550.00
    Cena s DPH: €676.50
  • K dispozícii
  • Koupit
ITIL<sup class='sup'>®</sup>4 Foundation Certificate

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ITIL knihy
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ITIL®4 Leader: Digital and IT Strategy

ITIL®4 Leader: Digital and IT Strategy forms one publication of the higher-level guidance towards the Strategist Leader designation, following ITIL4 Foundation.



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ITIL®4 Specialist: High-velocity IT

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