Delivering IT Services using ITIL, PRINCE2 and DSDM Atern

The failure to effectively sustain IT systems and react to change – due to the huge investments that organisations make in these systems – is likely to impact on the organisation's bottom line. This means that an ad hoc approach to IT Service management is not an option. It is vital to focus on business value, good ROI, speed to market, and delivery of solutions in response to change.

Agile approaches mean an incremental method to change, early delivery of business value, and collaborative work towards change. Understanding and employing ITIL, PRINCE2, and DSDM together can provide the potential for a well run infrastructure which is responsive to change and will not halt progress.

This publication, 'Agile Project and Service Management - Delivering IT Services using PRINCE2™, ITIL® and DSDM® Atern®', offers practical guidance on how to deliver an IT Service by employing ITIL, PRINCE2, and DSDM Atern together and discusses all three approaches, provides an overview, and the benefits of each. It also describes the issues that arise from implementing ITIL, the structure and content of PRINCE2, the breadth of DSDM and how they fit together, where the common areas sit, and where the specialities for each exist.

This publication has now been replaced by Agile Project and Service Management - Second Edition, which was published on 24 November 2016 - ISBN 9780113314898

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Delivering IT Services using ITIL, PRINCE2 and DSDM Atern

najžiadanejšie materiály

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